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"О проблемах полового воспитания и сексуального образования"

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«О проблемах полового воспитания и сексуального образования» Уважаемый Дмитрий Анатольевич! Мы обращаемся к Вам за содействием в решении проблемы сексуального воспитания, которая сложилась в нашей стране. Тема была и остаётся острой, злободневной и неоднозначной. Как воспитывать? Как рассказывать ребёнку про ЭТО? Отсутствие информации и, как следствие, правильного видения полового воспитания у родителей может привести к тому, что резко увеличивается вероятность раннего сексуального опыта подростка.

Президенту РФ

«О проблемах полового воспитания и сексуального образования»

Уважаемый Дмитрий Анатольевич!

Мы обращаемся к Вам за содействием в решении проблемы сексуального воспитания, которая сложилась в нашей стране. Тема была и остаётся острой, злободневной и неоднозначной. Как воспитывать? Как рассказывать ребёнку про ЭТО?

Отсутствие информации и, как следствие, правильного видения полового воспитания у родителей может привести к тому, что резко увеличивается вероятность раннего сексуального опыта подростка. В итоге получаем следующие проблем(и это далеко не все):

- нарушение психики

- ранние беременности, аборты

- «мода» на беспорядочные половые связи, приводящие к распространению заболеваний передаваемых половым путём (ЗППП)

- уменьшение ценности семьи и брака, приводящее к серьёзным демографическим проблемам

Доктор медицинских наук, профессор, лауреат Государственной премии, действительный член Российской академии естественных наук, автор более 200 научных работ Неумывакин И.П., в своих работах приводит сведения о том, что даже некорректная подача информации о сексе ребенку в раннем возрасте приводит к большим психологическим и физическим проблемам; у женщин, чья беременность нежелательна (и передумавших делать аборт) - рождается уже неполноценный ребенок; история знает маньяка Чикатило, который является прямым следствием нежелательной беременности; браки по причине ранней беременности – распадаются в своем большинстве, как следствие – ребенок растет в неполноценной семье со всеми неблагоприятными последствиями. Это происходит сейчас в нашей стране – и это прямая демографическая угроза для нации в целом.

Есть ли в России государственная программа, которая чётко может ответить на вопрос о целях и задачах воспитания, в том числе полового? Мы нашли следующее:

• На официальном сайте Министерства Здравоохранения размещен документ Рекомендации №206-ВС от 15 января 2008 г. «Методические рекомендации по проведению профилактических мероприятий направленных на охрану и укрепление здоровья обучающихся в общеобразовательных учреждениях».

VIII. Порядок проведения профилактических мероприятий по гигиеническому обучению и воспитанию в рамках формирования здорового образа жизни

п 52. Гигиеническое воспитание родителей проводится в основном в виде лекций и бесед на родительских собраниях, индивидуальных бесед и консультаций. Необходимо также и наличие в медицинском кабинете научно-популярной литературы, памяток, рекомендаций для родителей.

Наиболее актуальные темы для работы с родителями - «Режим дня детей и подростов», «Выбор профессии и здоровье», «Половое воспитание детей и подростков», «Профилактика вредных привычек», «Охрана нервно-психического здоровья подростков», «Физкультура и здоровье».

• Федеральный закон № 436 «О защите детей от информации, причиняющей вред их здоровью и развитию» принятый 29.12.2010 и вступающий в силу 1 сентября 2012, - создает информационный вакуум для детей, который делает незаконным обучающий процесс полового воспитания и, как следствие, приводит к ранним «экспериментам» и вышеупомянутым проблемам.

Безусловно, необходимы определенные условия для ограждения детей от вредной информации, и так же необходимы эффективные способы просвещения и молодежи, и будущих родителей, и уже состоявшихся родителей. ФЗ № 436 нуждается в доработке с участием авторитетных специалистов в области психологии, сексологии, экспертов, представителей различных религиозных конфессий, учитывая современный уровень развития, в т.ч. информационных технологий.

Мы считаем данные программы недостаточными и предлагаем следующее:

Вопрос сексуального образования детей чрезвычайно деликатный, политизированный и с высоких трибун на эту тему принято говорить лозунгами. В связи с этим очевидно, что в наибольшей степени ответственность за воспитание детей лежит в первую очередь - на родителях. И именно они ответственны за то, чтобы довести до своих детей информацию, касающуюся взаимоотношений полов. В свою очередь, государство могло бы обеспечить надлежащий уровень образования родителей, дать методику: как правильно и доступно ответить ребёнку (ещё и в зависимости от возраста) на вопрос: «Откуда берутся дети?» и научить ответственности как за возникающие отношения между юношей и девушкой, так и за здоровье - своё и близких.

Наше видение решения - создание Федеральной Национальной Программы по развитию сексуальной культуры и здоровья:

• Создание «Школы молодых родителей», где на добровольной основе желающие могут прослушать курс лекций за условную цену, будет способствовать решению вышеуказанных проблем и поможет установлению доверительных отношений между родителями и детьми.

• Преподавание факультативного курса «Основ семейной жизни и воспитания детей» для студентов старших курсов колледжей и вузов (старше 18 лет) позволит заложить основы правильного подхода к воспитанию детей. Эта программа будет эффективна с момента внедрения, а максимума эффекта достигнет к моменту появления детей у большинства слушателей этих курсов.

• Со школы на факультативной основе и по согласию родителей вводить уроки по «Сексуальному воспитанию: отношения, ответственность, любовь». Подобные практики уже внедрены и хорошо себя зарекомендовали в странах Европы и Запада. Секс это естественно, нормально и если вовремя обсудить его, рассказать о нем, то значительную часть вышеупомянутых проблем можно решить.

Мы предлагаем создать рабочие группы по подготовке и реализации этой программы и готовы принять в них участие.

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What university do you go to? comprar minoxidil 5 espuma AMR Chief Executive Tom Horton and US Airways CEO DougParker, in response to questions from members of the creditorscommittee in AMR's bankruptcy case, said that they intended toextend the termination date in case the merger did not receiveregulatory approval by Dec. 17. () cymbalta 60 fiyati “We’ve shown that we can do this kind of dating, and that the Y chromosome is a really powerful tool,” says Brenna Henn, a genetics researcher at SUNY Stony Brook. “Now that we can use the Y chromosome in this manner, we can go back and look into other big questions, like exactly where in Africa did humans originate?”
08 сентября 2016, 09:04
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I'd like , please singulair 10 mg precio mexico The think tank said it expects a recovery in U.S. vehiclesales to slow in 2014 due to a likely rise in central bankinterest rates. It projects U.S. sales to rise 3.2 percent to16.1 million vehicles, compared with a rise of 7.6 percent to15.6 million this year. norfloxacine online kopen The news of Summers' dropping out of the race also cappedU.S. 10-year Treasury yields, which touched itslowest since Aug. 30 and was a way off the 3.007 pct on Sept. 6,which was a more than two-year high. The 10-year yield was lastata 2.809 percent.
08 сентября 2016, 09:04
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I need to charge up my phone aquellas dos muchachas eran pfizer viagra wikipedia John Okeefe walks on the beach as a rollercoaster that once sat on the Funtown Pier in Seaside Heights, N.J., rests in the ocean on Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012 after the pier was washed away by superstorm Sandy which made landfall Monday evening.
08 сентября 2016, 08:11
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Go travelling yasminelle preis apotheke ** Yue Xiu Group, a trading arm of China's Guangzhou citygovernment, is close to signing an agreement to buy HongKong-listed Chong Hing Bank Ltd, a person familiarwith the matter told Reuters. The person could not confirm theprice being paid for the agreement. Chong Hing Bank has a marketvalue of $1.96 billion. hoodia kaktus kaufen The Obama administration says it will be unable to pay allof its bills if Congress does not raise the $16.7 trillion debtceiling by Oct. 17. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said he would beunable to prioritize some payments over others among the 30million transactions his department handles each week.
08 сентября 2016, 06:26
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Hello good day buy mifepristone and misoprostol pills online Recruiting and retaining participants is the most expensive and time-consuming part of the clinical-trial process, with recruitment difficulties delaying an estimated 86% of studies, the company pointed out. harga salep elocon What Murray now anticipates is an altogether different contest, one of withering forehands and the most brutally administered backhands and the kind of devouring movement guaranteed to drain the life out of all but the most resolute fighter. Murray said, "I hope it is a painful match as this will mean it is a good one."
08 сентября 2016, 06:26
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I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh er imodium p receptores Aberdeen-based EnerMech said Norwegian bank DNB and HSBC had joined with original lender Bank of Scotland to form a "banking club", which would support the company's growth plans by consolidating its overseas banking arrangements. acai berry slim saszetki cena In addition, “we’re seeing less job seekers. There were probably 700 or so job seekers coming through the doors per month during the recession,” he said. Today, those numbers are down to about 500 per month. “It’s all very good,” Wilson said.
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Where do you study? aspirin plus c brausetabletten preisvergleich Such is life in the rebel territory linked to central Damascus only via two government checkpoints. There, soldiers confiscate food, baby milk and medicine and at times refuse entry even to people who have queued for hours. perumahan murah di taman yasmin bogor Now, Wilds gives back to his hometown. He regularly returns to the borough and has aided Staten Island victims of Superstorm Sandy through Habitat for Humanity and helped clean out and rebuild homes damaged by the storm in New Dorp. He has also sponsored teams in a local basketball tournament.
08 сентября 2016, 05:06
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I like watching football recepta cytotec The biggest sports story of the 20th century came to light in the early hours of a South Korean Tuesday, September 27, 1988, when many of the reporters covering the athletics at the Olympics were either asleep or in the bars and clubs of Itaewon, Seoul's lively entertainment district. augmentin 1000 mg antibiyotik fiyat Worried that the boom may end badly, the central bank hasinstructed banks to increase provisioning against retail lending- especially the high-interest point-of-sale loans many Russianstake out to pay for discretionary items.
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I'll send you a text precio de orlistat en farmacia similares Brazil's Cia. Siderurgica Nacional (CSN) is seen as the mostlikely buyer of Steel Americas but price is a sticking point.Analysts estimate it may sell for as little as 2.3 billioneuros, much less than the book value of 3.4 billion. harga obat doxepin AMR and US Airways agreed to merge in February in an $11billion deal that would end AMR's bankruptcy and create theworld's largest airline. Experts had expected the deal to enjoya smooth ride through the regulatory process.
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Is it convenient to talk at the moment? como comprar anticoncepcional yasmin Competitors will eye the performance of the plane's systemsand components, most notably its PurePower PW1500G turbofanengine by Pratt & Whitney, a unit of Connecticut-based UnitedTechnologies Corp.. kamagra 100mg online bestellen The Dow Jones industrial average was up 75.24 points,or 0.50 percent, at 15,201.31. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index was up 7.18 points, or 0.42 percent, at 1,699.74. TheNasdaq Composite Index was up 23.80 points, or 0.63percent, at 3,784.55.
08 сентября 2016, 04:21
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Another year comprar rogaine foam en argentina - Don't read too much into the term "fee-based." All it really means is "I charge fees." Ask your adviser to detail those fees, and how else she will make money on you. What makes up her total compensation? cefixime fiyat The U.S. Department of Justice, six state attorneys general and the District of Columbia challenged the proposed merger on Tuesday saying the creation of the world's largest airline that would result would stifle competition, drive up airfares and reduce services.
08 сентября 2016, 03:54
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08 сентября 2016, 03:54
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Where are you calling from? atenolol kaina Often times, Sim says, children and adolescents who develop eating disorders share certain characteristics, such as a high level of anxiety, a strong desire to avoid harm and danger, a fear of making mistakes and a drive for perfection. hindu brahmin meaning That’s Cornelissen’s point. Aside from showing the dunderheaded, self-defeating stupidity of war, he’s out to critique the stories we pass on to kids. “All boys want to be kings,” explains the narrator. They want crowns, power and battles, but only because of the heroes we give them. Heroes like Henry.
08 сентября 2016, 03:54
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Three years da sa kupit kamagra v lekarni Everyone loves skipping over the actual discussion of the tech behind GM as though it has already happened like it was evolution or something. Many of the methods require modification of a retro virus first, this is what does the actual genetic modification in the plant, and this is where the untested (often tested but not known to the general public) dangers lie. These bugs have been known to infect gut flora and it has been detected that those who ate genetically modified corn that produced pesticide, continued to excrete pesticide in their stool until they took a regimen of antibiotics to remove their gut flora, which is pretty much the opposite of healthy. When this knowledge is kept by the same companies that are trying to force laws around the world to make this tech commonplace with absolutely NO long term testing. This is the kind of greed that turn people into monsters, and monsters need to be stopped. harga per malam hotel yasmin puncak There is a scientific phrase for this: panspermia, which sounds a little like a new pharmaceutical advertised during pro-football games. But it's the fact that when asteroids slam into planets, they send up showers of matter that can be sent soaring through space as meteorites and land on other planets.
08 сентября 2016, 03:54
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I want to report a quien ordena los actos reflejos Thirty-seven percent of poll respondents said "most black Americans" are racist, compared to just 15 percent who said most whites are racist and 18 percent who said most Hispanics are racist. ou acheter du stromectol Prices increased more strongly during the first half of this year than many experts had predicted, boosted by Government schemes such as Funding for Lending, NewBuy and Help to Buy which have made mortgages much more accessible and have seen more first-time buyers flooding into the market, helping to get chains moving.
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Very interesting tale paracetamol preis apotheke Tom Smith, 26, whose house in Maunleigh faces the Wycherley’s former home, said: “Obviously I never knew them but people have been talking and say they kept to themselves. People say you would see them coming and going but that they didn’t really socialise. omeprazole 10mg sans ordonnance "They went in after saturation bombing by the regime. Theyare disciplined and well trained and are fighting as religiouszealots believing in a cause. If it was the army we would not beworried," he said.
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History stendra precio colombia "We have today received strong written reassurances from the Russian government that everyone will be welcome at the Games in Sochi regardless of their sexual orientation," IOC President Jacques Rogge said in a statement. stromectol ordonnance ou pas She may as well have said “are stuck with.” The Yankees’ ability to stay in the AL East race or battle for a wild- card spot remains to be seen. The team’s ability to produce the kind of ratings YES has generated throughout its existence has already been determined.
08 сентября 2016, 03:54
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I've just graduated how to make karela fry ** New Zealand healthcare company Abano Healthcare Ltd said it received and knocked back an offer from anunnamed party, who is now looking to make a formal takeoveroffer. Abano has dental, audiology, and diagnostic businesses,and has a market capitalization of around NZ$100 million ($79million). nizoral szampon bez recepty "It was a bit of a follow-on from the ECB meeting yesterdaywhere Draghi - we think wrongly - was perceived by the market asgiving the green light to euro strength. And this morning wehave had some good data."
08 сентября 2016, 03:41
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Canada>Canada desloratadine ratiopharm rezeptfrei "We're in conversation today," Reid said of his discussionswith McConnell. "I'm confident that Republicans will allow thegovernment to open and extend the ability of this country to payits bills. And I'm going to do everything that I can throughoutthe day to accomplish just this. It's important that we do this.We must do this. It's the height of hypocrisy to not pay ourbills." precio anafranil The state raised taxes on annual incomes of more than $250,000 through a ballot proposition passed in November, and also increased its sales tax. California brought in $43.58 billion in the second quarter, which accounts for nearly 17 percent of the total for all 50 states.
08 сентября 2016, 03:22
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What line of work are you in? generique du plavix Brown, now governor, will be conspicuously absent, attending his wife's family reunion in Michigan. I am sure his absence has nothing to do with the fact that the replacement span isn't open for traffic yet - and already it needs a retrofit. prix canap natuzzi havana Go research and you will find out the Federal Government has never paid back its domestic National debt. The only debt that matters is the interest on the bonds owed to other countries. If you go back to 1939 you will find out the Federal Debt was 3 times the GNP and 3 years later we went to war with Japan and rolled the equvalent in today's dollars trillions more out of the Federal Reserve. Then we rolled more out to rebuild Europe and Japan and then we used the excess from WWII and rolled more out to build the highways we drive on today, the electrical grid, the damns, levies etc. The unemployment rate in 1939 was 29% and it fell to 1% in 1945. After the unemployment fell nobody cared about the Federal Debt. Did any of that Federal Debt ever get paid back. NO
08 сентября 2016, 03:22
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I never went to university comprar praziquantel espaa Asked if the games could be taken away from Sochi if the Russian response does not satisfy the IOC, the Taiwanese official said: "The Russian authorities, they know how serious ... the IOC (is). We are not joking." onde comprar champix tratamento completo Belgium is now the only country in the world to have three queens amid a raging debate over the cost of its royals amid eurozone austerity measures. The new Queen Mathilde is the consort of King Philippe. The current Queen Paola, an Italian, keeps her title, joining Queen Fabiola, the elderly widow of Baudouin, the new king's Spanish aunt.
08 сентября 2016, 02:46
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Accountant supermarket manager acheter cytotec ivg Last week saw the first hearing in the U.S. government’s court case attempting to hold ratings agencies accountable for their role in the financial crisis. Reforming the ratings agencies has turned out to be a difficult process. One would think that such an obvious institutional failure should prompt quick and definitive reform, not just from the government but also from the private sector. But that hasn’t happened. zyrtec susp fiyat ** Birch Hill Equity Partners Inc, a Canadian private equityfund, has registered to lobby Ottawa over investment in wirelesscarriers, lending credence to the idea it wants to buy two smallwireless firms and elbow aside a possible move into the Canadianmarket by Verizon Communications Inc.
08 сентября 2016, 02:46
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I'd like to pay this cheque in, please clindamycin cena srbija The BOE's pledge is designed to spur greater spending by households and businesses that may have been worried about the potential for higher borrowing costs amid a burgeoning economic recovery. It also is aimed at ensuring that interest rates in financial markets, which are closely linked to the cost of loans for consumers and businesses, don't rise too fast as the economy gathers pace and thereby slow the recovery. precio de ron havana club anejo especial Chief executive Ashley Highfield said: "Johnston Press has continued to make good progress during the first half in the implementation of its strategy for growth, completing the re-launch of its print titles and investing further in technology to build its digital platform whilst maintaining a tight control on costs."
08 сентября 2016, 02:31
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I work for a publishers vitamin b12 kur preis The right way to lower local taxes — one the could be of great benefit to the city — is to cut expensive and unnecessary state mandates and to give local governments greater power at the bargaining table with public employee unions. coumadin ordre des pharmaciens Mursi's fall and the violence and protests it unleashed arestirring deepening anger. The enmity has impaired efforts tomediate an end to the crisis. Some fear it could scar thecountry for years to come.
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Could I have a statement, please? spironolactone creme kopen China's CSI300 index seesawed in a choppy sessionafter falling 2.1 percent in the previous two sessions, whileJapan's Nikkei share average fell 0.7 percent, also hurtby a firmer yen against the dollar. tamoxifen 20 mg cena Ithaca plans to drill a second development well in the Stella field - in which it holds a majority stake – and plans to drill four development wells in total before production begins.  
08 сентября 2016, 01:47
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I like watching football wellbutrin fiyat ne kadar Immune globulin given up to six days after exposure may prevent disease among susceptible or unvaccinated people at high risk for complications, such as pregnant women, people with weak immune systems and children too young to be vaccinated, the alert stated. harga obat generik cefixime Keeping those blocks though will depend on the company, partof Brazilian tycoon Eike Batista's EBX Group, meeting all theconditions of its current concession contracts, MagdaChambriard, the ANP's general director told reporters in Rio deJaneiro.
08 сентября 2016, 01:47

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